

Social Media Phishing: Beyond Credential Theft

  In the past few weeks, our team highlighted how social media is abused by threat actors seeking to steal credentials and to administer phishing attacks. While these are both two of the most prominent cybersecurity threats distributed through social media, there are some other tactics in play, too. Join us on February 6 to discuss the latest social media-based financial...

Beyond Marketing: Getting Ahead of Brand Protection Issues

  Today's marketing organization uses countless SaaS-based tools and platforms that live outside of an organization's network. As their digital footprint grows, so does their potential for digital risks targeting their enterprise, brands, and customers. Even if they don't join the latest social media platform, in most cases there are not proper online brand protections in...

How to Handle Brand Impersonation on Social Media

  Social media is undoubtedly a huge asset to modern organizations. It helps them spread their message, promote their products and services, and communicate directly with customers, and users. Along with those benefits, social media also presents a unique threat. Never before has it been so easy for threat actors to abuse the trust built up by an organization, damage its...

Best Practices for Defanging Social Media Phishing Attacks

Social media-based phishing attacks have taken off in a big way. According to some estimates, social media now accounts for as much as 5% of all phishing attacks globally. When you consider that phishing volume has grown consistently every year for more than a decade (up 40% last year alone), that 5% constitutes a lot of attacks. This increase is no coincidence. Social...

The Vast Social Media Landscape for Phishing Threats

  On a daily basis, around 42% of the global population, or 3.2 billion people, uses some form of social media. Of that number, people spend a daily average of 2.2 hours on these networks, too. These two numbers are exactly why threat actors continue to flock to social media to abuse them for phishing purposes; however, there is far more to this story. Phishing threats extend...

Why Social Media is Increasingly Abused for Phishing Attacks

  Today, social media is a daily medium for communication for much of the modern world, and adoption only continues to grow. Because of this, much like how threat actors started to target mobile users, they have begun to abuse social media, too. While marketing teams have been known to monitor social media to protect their brand and communicate on their behalf, they are not...

The Light in the Dark: Myths and Truths about the Dark Web

  There are many misconceptions about the dark web and what goes on in the digital underground. Though the dark web is usually associated with criminal activities including drug dealing, human trafficking, selling counterfeit consumer goods and many other malicious acts, not everything in the dark web is completely dark. Many questions are frequently asked about the dark web...
Press Release

Source Code of Android RAT Dendroid Leaked Online

From SecurityWeek. The complete source code for the Android remote access Trojan (RAT) called Dendroid has been leaked online, which researchers from PhishLabs have found contains several vulnerabilities. “The lack of user input validation in Dendroid’s control panel is severe, especially when you consider the level of operational security needed in even smaller crimeware...